Friday, October 18, 2013

Weekly Roundup

For the Computer Science Principles classes last week I had them define Computer Science . The Wordle below is from their definitions after Unit 1. I am planning on having them do this each unit and see how our collective definition shifts as we layer on more material. I think this might make a good writing prompt later int he year.
Other things I've been looking at:

  • Been using this site with my Algebra I kids: I am hoping to incorporate Scratch and Graphing
  • Curious to Try this: as the AP Computer Science Principles classes start on the Internet and HTML
  • Rereading As We May Think by Vannevar Bush - this document, from 1945,  first suggests hypertext. Beyond the reading level of most of my high school kids, but some good nuggets
  • As the computer club keeps working on their 3-D printer I am looking forward to trying Blockify 
  • Interesting Video recruiting for AP Studio Art:
  • And, we just found out our CSTA chapter will get 100 Finches to play with next fall! Cannot wait.
  • And lastly made my hotel reservation for SIGCSE 2014. The one thing I learned coaching debate - make the hotel reservation early!

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